D90 iSO Test : Variable Exposure Time : Part II

This is Part II test… You can see the Part I test in my previous post or view (Tutorial/Photography) Tab.. or Click Here

Well, my setting for this Shot was F1.8 , 85mm. Using ‘Standard’ in picture control mode.

NO flash or Strobes were used in this test, just a normal fluorescent light(surrounding light).. The D90 was put on a tripod stand, and expose using internal timer.

As per discussion in the previous post, lower ISO means you get much more vibrant in your colors and picture is more sharper.. but you need to use lower shutter speed that may result to shaky picture.

Higher ISO means, you are allow to use high shutter speed, for the ease for you to work in a rushing environment so that you wont get blurry photos. But of course you will have more noise and your picture color has the tendency to FADE..

So by now you should know how to prioritize your shot.. Either you want BEST COLOR or you want ACTION PHOTOS(quick snap)…

Hopefully this help to guide you..


ISO L1 . 0.77sec

ISO 200 . 0.62sec

ISO 400 . 1/3sec

ISO 640 . 1/5sec

ISO 800 . 1/8sec

ISO 1250 . 1/13sec

ISO 1600 . 1/15sec

ISO 2000 . 1/20sec

IS0 2500 . 1/25sec

IS0 3200 . 1/30sec

IS0 H1 . 1/60sec


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