Where have i been ?

Haha .. it's funny.. again with the post title.. ^_^ .. Ya the fact that i am always busy with works remains..

After months of marriage, it is surely living on your own.. Seriously and it is hard.. Since it's like doing everything on your own..

I had many nights that I didn't sleep.. focusing on a lot of commitments doing project and stuff.. But alhamdulillah I enjoy my work as a web designer..

Getting more and more experience with it..

Sorry blog that i really have like forgotten you.. No, i have not.. Because of time.. yeah.. i guess you are tired of hearing me saying "i will do more post" .. it's like a million time.. Okay stop exaggerating!..

I will do share , just when i have time.. Like now!! 3.07a.m. in the morning? hahaha.. Yeah, i saw my mom blog, so it's like.. "okay my mom update much more frequent than I do.. by the way... here my mom's blog.. www.OurLittleKitchen.net , it talks mainly on FOOD! Haha..

I guess i better get back to my logos.. ^_^ they are like calling me.. "Shamir~~"

Okay-okay am coming logos.. Till we meet again blog.. Please don't miss me.. hehe..

Take care ya.. love you all.. ^_^


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